some guy in missoula, mt.

posting a song a week in 2019.

fully prepared for failure.

Week 8

Week 8


This week is a short one, though I spent more time on this than last week’s song. I have a friend, Fiction, who left the country recently and he sends me nice postcards. The last one he sent said, “Write me a 17 second song.” I don’t think he thought I’d actually write one, but here it is! Now, when I first created the outline for this song and started the recording, I swear it was 17 seconds. Now that it is finished, my software says it is 34 seconds. Here’s the thing about Fiction… I swear he manipulates time and space (honestly, I’m beginning to fear that he was never really here in the first place). So, I assume that he is somehow responsible for this anomaly. When you listen to the song do not believe the video timeline. Do not believe your watch or your computer clock. The song is 17 seconds long and you are simply experiencing time differently for the duration.

I also have no doubt that it is not a coincidence this came out the same week I started work on Fiction’s song:

Whelp, I hope you all enjoy it. If not, NBD. It’s short and it will be over quickly. Cheers!


A rose is a rose is a rose
Or so it goes
But you by any other name
Would not be the same
And I’m beginning to fear
That you were never even really here
What is in a name?
What is in a name?
When your name is fiction

Week 9

Week 9

Week 7

Week 7